Skincare, Makeup, Crafts, Shoes... Life of an Aesthetic Fanatic.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Whew! Today was crazy! I think this is the first time I got to sit down all day! I started today out by cleaning up the house and getting things ready for the BBQ we were having. I gave my momma a manicure and pedicure, which was great. I'm not the manicurist in the house she is, so that was fun! She always gives me the BEST mani/pedi's, so I thought it would be nice to return the favor.
My sister and I did everything, well besides the BBQing that's dad's deal. We set up, chopped, made a few trips to the market, made dessert, cleaned up... non-stop! All in all it was great. The food was delicious and the company was fabulous!

I have gotten a few incredible job offers this week and tomorrow I get to find out the details! I am so anxious, you would think I was searching for my first job! I have taken risks in my career, and those risks I took didn't really work out. I can honestly say that I am happy I did make risky moves, I wouldn't have the doors I have open today without those experiences. So, wish me luck!


  1. Hi lady! I am now one of your blog followers!! I'm very sad I can't make it to your BBQ on friday, we haven't hung out in forever! Outside of appts that is, but those don't count! You need to come and meet Izzie, and bring Pearl for a puppy play date!

  2. Aww, well thank you! You're creations are absolutely ADORABLE! We most definitely need to get together soon! Miss you!
