Skincare, Makeup, Crafts, Shoes... Life of an Aesthetic Fanatic.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Holy Flowers!

My tush hurts from sitting and making flowers all day yesterday! I am in need of a "model" for my collection of flowers from yesterday, but I will share some of what I have already made.

They are selling like hotcakes at the salon where my mom works, Bella A'more. Incredible! They aren't doing as well on Etsy as I would have hoped, but I am keeping my chin up.

Although, I did my first online order the other day! In fact it was a custom order! She didn't leave any feedback, but she wrote me an e-mail telling me how much she loved it and how perfect it was going to look with her dress for an event she was going to. (She was new to Etsy, so I figured she must not realize how much we count on feedback at times.)

All in all, still pretty awesome. I mean hey, my creation went to New Orleans! What a fun thought. Someone from another state is wearing and enjoying my creation. Love it. ;)

Today, I am going to clean my room. It's a nightmare. Then, I need to find a good bead store. And of course make more flowers!

Ciao for now loves.


  1. I really like the black and white one, very cute! I know how you feel about the feedback. I've had 11 sales and only 2 left feedback.

  2. Yuck! At least you are having good sales! That's a good thing. I have only sold that one flower, but they are crazy at my moms work... So funny.
